In The Mood for Cheongsam
Evoking the sensual quality of the Cheongsam, the exhibition takes the form of curvaceous walls similar to a large dress, sculpting pockets of spaces where each display conceals and reveals, teases and surprises.

Alluding to the title of the show, the design plays up the mysteries and subtleties of the Cheongsam. Evoked by the sensual quality of the Cheongsam, the exhibition takes the form of curvaceous walls like a large dress, sculpting pockets of spaces where each display conceals and reveals, teases and surprises.
What is key to this idea are how the visitors encounter these soft pockets of spaces throughout the exhibition. Sometimes convex, other times concave in nature; sometimes expansive, at times intimate, we want to create an exhibition spatial experience that continues to surprise at
What is key to this idea are how the visitors encounter these soft pockets of spaces throughout the exhibition. Sometimes convex, other times concave in nature; sometimes expansive, at times intimate, we want to create an exhibition spatial experience that continues to surprise at
various sections within the singular idea. What's more, as a singular continuous space, the curvaceous walls teases the coming sections as the visitor walks along these gentle curves.
Providing a context to the various sections is key to provide differentiation and a narrative to the exhibition. Circular plinths, employed throughout, alter in form to suggest these changes in narrative and contect. Objects or simple furniture relevant to the era or theme of the section are also integrated together with the Cheongsam on display to create a mise-en-scene within the section.
Providing a context to the various sections is key to provide differentiation and a narrative to the exhibition. Circular plinths, employed throughout, alter in form to suggest these changes in narrative and contect. Objects or simple furniture relevant to the era or theme of the section are also integrated together with the Cheongsam on display to create a mise-en-scene within the section.
Completion 2012
Torrance Goh, Willie Koh, Clifford See, Susanne Teng
Photographer: Jeremy San Tzer Ning